However, the test linked above merely offers an "Install Microsoft Silverlight" icon. In Chrome: I had to use the "Get more extensions" option inside of Chrome to install.FYI, the plugin is set on "Always activate" in about:addons and disabling AdBlock did not help. In Firefox: the official "Get Silverlight" page tells me the plugin is installed ("Silverlight 5 (4.0)"), however the test page linked above renders black.To install, I'm merely using the Silverlight.dmg file and its installer to install. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight but without success. I had Silverlight version 4 installed before but never got it to work (I don't know if this was before or after my Yosemite update.) (As opposed to a big black square of nothing.) 2) Troubleshooting

This should offer a menu and various content, mostly pictures. To start with, can anyone tell me if this Silverlight test works for them on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.1) ? I'm not getting much success at all so far, nor help from the Web. I'm trying to get Silverlight to work on Mac OS X, any browser would do.